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(adv.) Just in! On sale! Epstein Brothers klezmer music recordings and video!

Just in! Double CD and tape from the "Granddaddies of Klezmer Music", the group recognized as a U.S. National Treasure - the Epstein Brothers. These albums are very hard to find! They are on sale at a fantastic price until December 2nd. "A Tickle in the Heart" video, offered at $18 less than! We can gift wrap and send any of these to your giftee. (See end)

They are:
1. The Epstein Brothers, double CD
2. Klezmer Music II, cassette
3. A Tickle in the Heart video

1. The Epstein Brothers, double CD, contains 37 selections.
on sale through December 2nd for $27.99 (+ $2.00 shipping).

A great survey from the 1940s through 1990s - from soulful traditional klezmer, to lively Hasidic, to humorous live performances.

Embedded in the 2nd album is the wonderful 1950s "Dukes of Freilech" album - clarinetist Max's incredibly emotional "Vulach #1" [a.k.a. gasn nign], the "Russian Sher", "Melnich's Bulgar" [a.k.a. Dukes of Freylekh], "Freilach Tanz" [a.k.a. Sid's Freylekh], a "Hebrew Medley", and other bulgars, drinking songs, and horas.

Elsewhere are pieces that reflect their long career playing at Hasidic functions - for example, Max's traditionally-rendered "Romainian Doina" transitions into a vulukh (hora) ends with an original Hasidic-style Sheyebonen Bas Hamigdosh. Julie Epstein told us that normally the third piece would be a freylekh, but that their audience preferred otherwise. "Boruch H'shem" features Cantor Irwin Bell over a popular, almost cheezy, arrangement with flute.

Fiddlers will be interested in the nearly 7 minute long Hungarian Medley featuring Jose (Yosl) Cortez - a South American Jewish violinist born in Eastern Europe influenced by the gypsy style (his bassist father had a gypsy band).

There are also live numbers which give a good feel for the rapport these musicians had with their audience. "Yubba-Bubba Boi" is the song Julie wrote, sung by Max, about A Kitsel in Hartz ("A Tickle in the Heart)- a story about what their grandfather found lacking about the Metropolitan Opera.

2. Klezmer Music II,
Cassette (only) on sale though December 2nd for $8.99. (+$1.75 shipping).

Contains 15 pieces, 8 of which overlap with the double CD ("Russian Sher", "Epstein Nigen", "Yubba-Bubba Boi," "Bessarabian Bulgar"/ "Freilach Tanz"/[Sid's Freylekh], "Yiddish Sing-Along", "Hungarian Medlely", "Romanian Doina", and "Yiddish Sing-Along"). Also included are two live pieces from 1995 and 1996 - Max is in his mid-80s and wails! - "Belz", "Romainian Drinking Song"?

3. A Tickle in the Heart
This video of the famous film is on sale through December 2nd for only $32.99 (+ $4.50 shipping, priority mail) - sells it for more than $50! (it is the exact same item)

Lots of footage of 3 of the brothers playing gigs (clarinetist Max, trumpeter Willie, drummer Julie) ?making a pilgrimage to their parent's Belorussian town of Pinsk? a humorous driving tour of Brooklyn with tales of Hasidic gigs courtesy of their pianist Pete Soklolow ?a mini-gallery of stars - 2nd generation klezmer clarinetists all playing together. 84 minutes, black and white.

--------------------------Three ways to order--------------------------

1. Order on-line with your VISA or Mastercard:

2. Call or fax our toll-free number - 1-877-YIDDISH.

3. Send check or money order (in U.S. funds) to:
a bisl yidishkayt
P.O. Box 400331
Cambridge, MA 02140-0004

A) Shipping costs for U.S. addresses are as follows (elsewhere please inquire about our reasonable air-mail rates): (please note, cost is to each address specified. For example, sending two gifts of CDs to two addresses costs $4)

CD: $2
cs.: $1.75
video: $4.50 (priority mail)
2 CDs: $3.50, 3-4 CDs $4.50 (sent priority mail)
2 cassettes: $2.25
3-6 cassettes: $4.50
for other quantities, please call us - 1-877-YIDDISH

B) If you live in Massachusetts, please add 5% to the cost of your order before shipping.

C) GIFT WRAPPING IS AVAILABLE! And we can mail to your giftee.
Cost is $1.50 per item, including a "Happy Chanukah from ____" tag.

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