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8 kandelikas

Hi, Yes, Flory's now-classic song "Ocho kandelikas" probably is the only 
reasonable one in Judeo-Spanish for kids - there aren't very many, anyway (I 
must confess to personally not being very fond of the melody but it 
certainly has a wide appeal! Then again, many of the melodies I love are 
those which in fact don't have a very wide appeal....) In reponse to Joel's 
question about whether she gets any royalties, I don't know, but strongly 
suspect not. And I know she had a lot of problems with Global Village music 
before she went to Tara. Her compositions aren't always credited on 
recordings, which one hopes is simply due to her success as a songwriter - 
i.e. people assume the songs are traditional. Cheers, Judith

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