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Hello from Staten Island

    I would like to say hello to everyone one the list.  I've been 
reading posts but not contributing for a good few months.  I just 
want to say that Reb Garner and his wife Michelle have been an active 
presence on the Staten Jewish Jewish music scene for the several 
years that I have known them.  They performed at the Temple Israel 
happy purim concert a few years ago with the Temple Israel Choir as 
one of the warmup acts for Kapele.  They have sponsored many events 
to celebrate and promote Jewish learning and observance.  They travel 
and bring their songs and themes of Jewish unity and Kedusha to many 
places where they are invited.  Their radio program has been a 
great way to start fridays with Jewish music from the Klezmatics to 
Schlomo Carlebach.  If you have music you want to promote or present 
it is worth while to contact them and hear your CD's played for the 
general public.
    I hope the connection of Orpnimi to the Jewish music group will 
result in additional opportunities to bring Klezmer and other Jewish 
music to Staten Island.
    I'll be at Klez Kamp again this year with my daughter Aliza.  If 
any of you see me there please come by and say hello.
Abe Malz

From:           OrPnimi (at) aol(dot)com
Date sent:      Tue, 16 Nov 1999 19:06:15 EST
Subject:        (no subject)
To:             World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) 
Send reply to:  jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org

My name is Rabbi Eliezer Garner and I host the "Happy Chevra" show on Friday 
Mornings on WSIA 88.9 fm e.s.t. I am looking for Jewish rock music with a 
60's or 70's flavor with spiritual lyrics like Reva LeSheva (which I play a 
lot of and like tremendously.) Please let me know if you have any 
suggestions. Good Shabbos.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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