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Jewish Culture Day in London

Dear all
I hope members of this list may be interested to hear about a wonderful day of 
Culture which will take place on London's South Bank on Nov 28 1999.

If you can't come yourself, perhaps you can pass this on to someone who can?

There will be six sparkling events and foyer displays, presented by the
London International Jewish Music Festival (with 9 previous successful
festivals to their credit)  It starts at 11.00am and goes on till 11pm
Special guest artist, Spike Milligan, will present the first ever Spike
Milligan Awards for Jewish Comedy to the Banana Rebel Troupe - the new and
exciting 19 member comic ensemble, fresh from their triumph at the
Edinburgh Festival. Also in the Purcell Room, famous authors, Howard
Jacobson, Bernice Rubens and others discuss their portrayal of their Jewish
mothers with Howard Cooper, psychotherapist and Rabbi, in an event chaired
by Gerald Jacobs, Literary Editor of the Jewish Chronicle.  

The four concerts range from toe-tapping music from Eastern Europe and
exotic strains from the Middle East to the uplifting melodies of Hebrew
Psalm and Prayer and sublime chamber music. Britain's most outstanding and
popular Jewish music ensembles present brand new programmes in the Queen
Elizabeth Hall:  

Gregori Schechter, 'Klezmer's most charismatic star (The Times), will
feature a Moldavian string ensemble with his Klezmer Festival Band and 

Lucie Skeaping has invited Arab musicians from Syria to join The Burning
Bush in celebrating the common roots of peoples of the Bible lands. For the
first time, Lucie will be illustrating the Sephardic Ballad with
traditional shadow puppets. 

The Weingarten Ensemble with the world renowned Soprano Teresa Cahill, will
include a work by Robert Saxton in tribute to Rabbi Hugo Gryn .  More details 
about each of these events are on our website under Press 

Tickets are prices between 18.50 and 8.50 (Pounds Sterling) with generous
discounts for multi-bookings, groups and concessions. 

You can book electronically to the South Bank Centre on  
or telephone + 44 171 960 4242

The event is devised and promoted by the Jewish Music Heritage Trust and is 
sponsored by the Jewish Chronicle. Purcell Room events have been organised in 
partnership with the Spiro Ark.

To find out more about the Jewish Music Heritage Trust, and its recordings
of Jewish music and its activities of Education, Performance and
Information, please consult our website


Geraldine Auerbach, Director, Jewish Music Heritage Trust

From: Geraldine Auerbach
Jewish Music Heritage Trust
P O Box 232 Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2NE
Tel +44 (0)181 909 2445, Fax +44 (0)181 909 1030
E-mail: jewishmusic (at) jmht(dot)org

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