Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Release of Celebrate Hanukkah


Dear Friends,
We are pleased and excited to announce the release of CELEBRATE CHANUKAH a 
collection of Chanukah songs which includes selections by Ben Sidran, Jon 
Simon, Judy Frankel, Yom Hadash, Sruli and Lisa, Joe Black, Reggae Hanukah,  
Debbie Friedman,  
Laurence Juber, Tzimmes, Craig Taubman, Linda Hirschhorn, Flory Jagoda and 
Peter Yarrow. 

This extraordinary CD is being offered exclusively this year as a fund raiser 
for ARMDI the Red Magen David Adom.  We would like to offer you the 
opportunity to purchase a copy of CELEBRATE CHANUKAH with a minimum 
contribution of $15 to ARMDI. Checks should be made out and sent directly to 
ARMDI at 5900 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1740,  Los Angeles CA 90036. Please include 
a copy of this letter with your check in order to receive this special offer. 

Additionally, we are hard at work on two new CELEBRATE SERIES releases, 
CELEBRATE SHABBAT and CELEBRATE PASSOVER.  If you are interested in 
submitting material for either project please fill complete the attached form 
and forward all appropriate materials.


Craig Taubman
Celebrate Recordings
Seeking Submissions for 
Celebrate Shabbat and Passover

We are very excited to announce plans to release our next two recordings for 
Celebrate Shabbat and Passover

The Celebrate Series is dedicated to the promotion of collections of Jewish 
and secular music. We see a tremendous potential to provide high quality, 
attractively packaged sampler recordings built around special themes.

We expect to select 12-14 artists to participate in each project.  Our 
working title will be  Celebrate....,  so we will offer such recordings as,  
Celebrate Chanukah, Celebrate Children's songs,  etc.

The current plan calls for the release of 2 recordings per year.  While we 
will distribute these recordings through traditional channels such as 
mainstream record and book outlets and Judaic shops, our primary focus will 
be on distribution to alternative segments such as gift and specialty 
retailers, as well 
as through the Internet.  In addition, we are in discussions with 
manufacturers and  service companies to tie our recordings to the sale of 
their merchandise and services.

The following are some of the Judaic themes under consideration: 

Chanukah                    Songs of Israel
Children s                  Instrumental
Shabbat                 Dance Songs
Passover                    Hazzanut
Music from Festivals                    Yiddish
Love and Wedding Songs          Liturgical
Lullabies                   Camp Songs
Contemporary                Ladino
Songs from Israel               Songs from Eastern Europe   
Meditation                  Instrumental

..with more to follow

The first recordings will have a fall street date of early August, giving us 
enough time to be available for the 1999 Chanukah season. Our first 2 
releases will be recordings featuring Jewish music for Children and music for 

So what s in it for you?  A number of things.  First, we will compensate 
artist for each track selected on a given recording.  (Each recording will 
feature no more than one track per artist, but the same artist may have 
arrangements selected for more than one collection. But much more than the 
money, this opportunity will benefit you as an effective sales and marketing 
vehicle. One of our prime goals is to spread the word about this great music, 
in order to generate substantial increases in product sales and new concert 
opportunities. We will accomplish this by providing bio and concert booking 
information.  Additionally, we are in the process of working out a 
fulfillment arrangement with Sounds Write Productions, Inc., one of the 
country s premier producers and distributors of Jewish music. 

Marketing and Promotion Ideas
We will pursue traditional methods of promotion at no cost to you  (point of 
purchase displays, listening posts, in-store play, etc.).  But in addition, 
we are going to be creative by tying the recordings to related merchandise 
even more exciting developments are in the works.  We are currently 
negotiating with a toy chain about a special private label run of Jewish 
children s music, coupled with in-store performance opportunities around the 
U.S.  In addition, we are negotiating with a distributor of Shabbat candles 
to include a Sabbath CD and an airline to do an Israeli music sampler to 
overseas travelers. 

Next Steps
We invite you to submit your tracks of Chanukah, and Jewish children s music 
for consideration.  While we are first going to focus on these two themes, 
feel free to suggest tracks for other collections to be released in the 
future. Please complete the attached form and send two sample CD s to the 
above address so that we may review your work.  If your product only comes on 
cassette, you can send it to us on cassette please send it to us anyway.  
However, you will have to provide it to us in digital format if the track is 
selected for the release.

All the best,
Craig Taubman                   
      Celebrate Recordings
"Celebrate"   Submissions

Please complete this form in order to submit tracks for consideration on our 
upcoming collection series.  Feel free to nominate as many tracks as you 
would like for each collection, but please indicate your first, second, and 
third choice.

Thank you.






Song Title          CD Title        

For which collection  (Shabbat,  Passover)

Please send all submissions to: 

Celebrate Series
C/O Craig 'n Co.
P.O. Box  6061-115 
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Phone: 818-760-1077

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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