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KlezKamp 1999

Living Traditions is proud to present KlezKamp: The 15th Annual 
Yiddish Folk Arts Program. Our theme, "A tam ganeydn: Jewtopia 2000.

KlezKamp looks back at the glory days of Jewish utopian movements 
from Socialism, Zionism and even vegetarianism in addition to our 
usual array of intensive Yiddish arts programming. We are pleased to 
welcome back to our staff pianist/arranger Pete Sokolow, culinary 
maven Eve Jochnowitz, outstanding folksmentshn Mayer and Dora 
Kirshenblatt, visual artist Galia Goodman, Yiddish instructor Miriam 
Issacs, Jewish Museum media historian Aviva Weintraub and poet Irena 

New instructors this year include trombonist Dan Peisach and 
violinist Cookie Segelstein. First-time classes include a look at the 
art of choreographing Yiddish dance for the stage with Steven 
Weintraub, Susan Leviton's survey of Yiddish women's songs, informal 
daily Yiddish shmooze sessions led by Harvey Varga, and Phil Brown's 
history of the Catskills.

All this plus our famed klezmer music, Yiddish song and language 
curriculums, KlezKids programs, evening events including nightly 
dancing to live music, slow jams with Sherry Mayrent, films, Jenny 
Romaine's Youth Theater Workshop - the most exciting Yiddish event in 
the world, a Jewish paradise, Jewtopia 2000!
KlezKamp will be held in the newly expanded Paramount Hotel in the 
heart of New York's Catskill region, a mere two hours from mid-town 
Manhattan. Offering three sumptuous meals, comfortable rooms with 
private bath and traditional Catskill Hospitality.

Join KlezKamp founder/director Henry Sapoznik as he reads from his 
new book "Klezmer! Jewish Music From Old World to Our World" 
published by Schirmer Books. Following the reading Henry will 
autograph copies of the book.

For an application or further information please contact us at:

430 W. 14th Street #409
New York NY 10014
(212) 691-1272
(212) 691-1657 (fax)
livingtraditions (at) livingtraditions(dot)org
To obtain a copy of our application off the internet, please visit us 
at our website

Living Traditions, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the 
study, preservation and innovative popularization of community-based 
traditional folk culture. Placing a high value on cultural literacy, 
Living Traditions teaches and disseminates a wide array of skills in 
music, dance, language arts, history, folklore crafts and visual arts 
through classes, publications, recordings and the broadcast media. 
Living Traditions encourages the presence and growth of this 
knowledge in the life of the community.

Dan Peck    Milesquare Associates

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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