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Re: Brikele

In a message dated 10/31/99 6:08:16 PM, ari (at) IVRITYPE(dot)COM writes:

<< >Simon -- what songs are on this recording? 
>What's the orchestration/ accompaniment like? 
>"Brikele, A Concert of Yiddish Songs

Brikele is pretty amazing. As I recall, it is one woman, accompanied
only by piano, doing relatively traditional repertoire, but doing it
without the usual high-fat shmaltz that often accompanies these songs.

  Hi Ari,

She is wonderful. She is accompanied by piano, Tsimbl, and guitar.
If you would like to know if it is any good...ask Jenny (Eydl), she just 
ordered the last one!!!
I will DEFIANTLY be getting more ASAP!
This is one of those recordings that I feel I can recommend without 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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