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Re: Hatikvah usic Web Site????????

Simon, feel free to link to any of the reviews on the klezmershack,
as seem useful (or to link to articles listed on the klezmershack
directly where we don't host them).

It's a nice start!

ari "where's my shopping cart" davidow

At 06:08 PM 10/21/99 -0400, you wrote:
>It's here!!!
>Hatikvah Music has (finally) gotten a web site.
>It is still under development and we are constantly making improvements, so 
>please bear with us.
>The first time you visit us, PLEASE go to the 'Help" option- it will 
>definitely save you a lot of time.
>Prices have not been posted yet, however, if you phone us we will be more 
>than happy to answer all your questions. You WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!!!
>As of this time, there are 5 major categories on the site, "Yiddish," 
>"Klezmer," "Cantorial," "Ladino" and "Sephardic." You will also see an 
>"others' category. These are the titles that have not been categorized at 
>this time, however, in due time all will be in it's own area. 
>Originally we were not going to introduce the site until January, but with 
>we've had so many requests that we're showing you what there is at this 
> please bear with us.
>Please visit us at
>Thank You All!!
>Hatikavh Music int.
>436 N. Fairfax Ave
>Los Angeles, Ca 90036

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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