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Yiddish classes from Boston Arbeter Ring

Thought I'd add east coast "mameloshn" classes after reading about the west coast's today. Judy Rottenberg has organized yet again a wonderful roster of Yiddish classes.


Beginner I
10 Mon. evenings starting Oct. 18 and continuing each week through Dec. 20.
7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Instructor: Esther Ritchie, a native Yiddish speaker.
Cost: $110 WC members/$135 all others. This course provides an
introduction to Yiddish for those with no previous knowledge of the
language. Come learn basic vocabulary and conversation, focusing on
everyday activities. Basic grammar, the alphabet and basic reading skills
will also be covered.

Beginner II
10 Tuesday evenings starting Oct. 19 and continuing each week through Dec.
21. 7:00 ? 8:30 p.m. Instructor: Esther Ritchie, a native Yiddish speaker.
Cost: $110 WC members/$135 all others. This course provides a continuation
of the basics of Yiddish for those who have taken the Workmen?s Circle
Beginner I or Beginner II classes in the past, or for those who want to dust
off a rusty Yiddish.

Advanced Beginner Literature and Discussion
4 Wednesday evenings starting Oct. 20 and continuing every other week.
7:00 ? 9:00 p.m., except for the 2nd class which will be 6:30 ? 9:30
Instructor: Daniella HarPaz, who has taught Yiddish at the Univ. of
Michigan and Brandeis Univ
. Cost: $70 WC members/$85 all others. This
series will use literature and film to promote discussion and
reinforce/teach grammar in context. The focus of class time will be on
conversation and comprehension skills. One film will be shown in the second
class (which will meet for 3 hours). The level of this class is appropriate
for students who have completed a semester of Beginning Yiddish at the
college level or the equivalent. Students who have taken Advanced Beginners
Yiddish at The Workmen's Circle before are welcome.

Grammar, Reading and Conversation for Advanced Beginner/Intermediates
5 Monday evenings - 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. starting Oct. 25 and continuing every
other week through Dec. 20. Instructor: Lillian Leavitt, a native Yiddish
Cost: $65 WC members/$80 all others. This course is for those
who already have some speaking, reading, and writing ability, and are
looking to improve accuracy and fluency. Beginning with the second half of
Sheva Zucker?s textbook Introduction to Yiddish: Language, Literature and
Culture, we will study grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. Please
bring a copy of the textbook to class. It can be purchased through ?The
Yiddish Voice? ( or 617 249-0141), through ?a bisl
yidishkayt? ( or 781-643-1957).

Intermediate Reading Group
5 Monday evenings starting Oct. 18 and continuing every other week through
Dec. 13. 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. Instructor: Lillian Leavitt, a native Yiddish
speaker. Cost: $65 WC members/$80 all others. Member
s of this
intermediate-level leyen-krayz will read, in Yiddish, from Sholem
Aleichem's "Motl Peyse dem Khazn's". Copies of the book will be available
for purchase at the first class; to purchase a copy in advance, call Judy at
(617) 926-0163.

September is the open enrollment period for our intergenerational Yiddish
chorus, ?A Besere Velt?. For information about joining, call Lisa Gallatin
at (781) 646-0550 (No previous Yiddish knowledge needed)

OTHER YIDDISH HAPPENINGS Free & open to the public

Yiddish conversation group meets in Somerville. 2nd Thursday of each month,
8:00 ? 10:00 p.m. Call Linda Gritz or Michael Katz for information at 617
625-8689. All levels of speakers welcome.

Yiddish sing, 4th Thursday of each month (3rd Thursday in Nov. and Dec.),
7:30 ? 9:00 p.m. Join us for this informal intergenerational gathering.

Call (617) 566-6281 for more informationw

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