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crash go the computers/Internet broadcast reminder

Sorry to bother this list with such, but (in what seems to be an epidemic
among listmembers) I recently experienced a devastating computer crash that
among other things wiped out most of my Email addresses and contact info.

Would those of you with whom I've corresponded (or those who'd like
to)please send a message so I can restore your Email to my address book
(phone and addresses appreciate too).

Also, to stay on the list topic, remember to tune in on Monday night 9-10pm
(Eastern US Time), for "Rockin' the Shtetl."

(Apparently some people -- myself among them -- have had trouble receiving
this audio download. If you find you can't get the broadcast, please do
click on "Helena Johnson" on the site and send her an Email telling her of
your trouble. She doesn't believe me.)

Seth Rogovoy

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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