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Klezperanto at Johnny D's in Somerville last night (9/30)

If you like klezmer fusion, this group is definitely worth hearing - if you
can get to see their next gig, you will not regret it!  And for those
within as well as out of commuting distance, we hope a label picks them up
soon so people can take them home!

The group is a mekhaye to hear. They use rhythms which vary from the samba
and Columbian cumbia to the Rumanian hora.  They do wild world music takes
of traditional klezmer repertoire: their Kosher Cabana is the tropical
version of the Alter Sher, and their remake of the Russian Sher was
hilarious. They did a  Greek song ("I drink to forget") and several
straight tunes, including two Russian waltzes (with accordion and mandolin
solos) which had me in tears.

Each musician is incredibly strong and talented.  Many people will know
three of them from their membership in the Klezmer Conservatory Band.  a)
Ilene Stahl's stage presence is mesmerizing, and her mastery of the
clarinet awesome - from little pouts and hiccups, to laughs and traditional
krekhts, the gefil (feeling) of each piece is well-expressed. b) Grant
Smith's percussion holds everything together tightly.  He did a solo last
night that was worthy of any drummer alive, I think.  c) Mark Hamilton on
trombone is also amazing with strong jazz soloing.  Accordionist Evan
Harlan's arrangements are clever, funny, and danceable - as attested to by
the lack of room on the dance floor at several points during the evening.
Bassist Mike Bullock's playing is essential, sweet, and virtuosic. Brandon
Seabrook on banjo, electric guitar and mandolin is inspired.  Some of his
playing reminded me of what Josh Horowitz' group, Budowitz, does recreating
old klezmer - his rubatos, his hanging back on the beat; well within the
klezmer (and jazz) tradition.

Klezperanto appeals to a world music audience as well as those who love
Jewish and klezmer music.  We wish them "alts dos guts" - all the best!


a bisl yidishkayt
web site:
   (on-line ordering available)
e-mail: klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com
M/C, Visa accepted

phone and fax toll-free: 1-877-YIDDISH
(Boston area: 781-643-1957)

P.O. Box 400331
Cambridge, MA  02140

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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