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Klesperanto amazing!

I was exhausted last night and fully afflicted by meetings, so I got
to attend all of about 20 minutes of the Klesperanto set at Johnny D's.

I was blown away. I'm glad I got my 20 minutes (last time, I didn't
make it at all), but really, I want the whole thing next time, and I
want the next local performance to be much sooner.

Stahl and bandmates mixed up klezmer and jazz in such a way that people
almost never stopped dancing, and for those of us too tired to dance, 
the music was still absolutely wonderful.

I was hoping that some of the other attendees on the list might
post something about the music in more detail so that people have
reason (and people definitely have reason, in this case) to keep
their eyes peeled for a local tour or appearance (or to push for same).

I had this wonderful sense, as I listened, that this was one of 
those special times, as when the Byrds tried to fuse the Beatles and
Bob Dylan, when something new is created that will be its own phenomenon
and needs no pre-existing labels.

My sense was that most members of the band were from KCB, for those
who track such things. I didn't catch names, other than Ilene Stahl
on clarinet and Evan Harlan (sp?) on accordion, and music director.
There was also bass, drums, trombone, guitar/mandolin/other frets?
I think that was it. 

But I am being unfair, and am posting only because, so far, no one
else I saw there has posted. This concert was that good--it needs
a real write-up from someone who attended the whole thing.

Wolf--I was too tired and had too little time for conversation, but 
I really wanted to ask you, having heard Klesperanto, if you were 
still going to maintain that klezmer (albeit this is something more 
than klezmer only) lacks sensuality or sexiness :-). I could take an 
evening of this, and my love, with even greater pleasure, I think, 
than Los Van Van or Irma Thomas (not ultimates, perhaps, but close enough).


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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