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Tzena, Tzena, Tzena

To, perhaps, bring some resolution to this:  "Tzena" is one of those songs 
about which there was a long history of conflicting claims of authorship.  
FWIW, Pete Seeger advises that:  a) He feels satisfied that the music was 
indeed by Issachar Miron, who says he composed it in 1943 (says Pete) at the 
age of 19; b) Hebrew words were by Miron's friend (I think Pete said), the 
late Yehiel Haggai; c) the English words that the Weavers sang on their 
Decca recording were, Pete says (and to my surprise) by Gordon Jenkins, who 
heard them sing the song in Hebrew at (their legendary stint at) the Village 
Vanguard in NYC and wrote English words for it.  Pete says Julius Grossman 
and Michell Parrish (the latter is credited on some of my recordings) wrote 
alternative English words, but he says (which is puzzling in light of 
credits on their recordings) that the Weavers sang Jenkins' words.  Pete 
being Pete, he says he suggested to Issachar Miron (if I remember this piece 
correctly) that he get Arab words written to the melody, and a friend of 
Miron's, an Israeli Arab named Salman Natour, did so. Pete sang 
Hebrew/English/Arabic w/ some school choir (can't remember which) at Central 
Park during the Israel 50th Anniversary musical celebration--to some, his 
appearance (and invitation) were a source of controversy.  Oh--apparently 
the royalty situation is, sort of, straightened out, at least in terms of 
Miron.  Hope this is helpful--rlc

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