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London International JEWISH MUSIC CONFERENCE 2000

I hope that this information is useful for some list members despite
the late notice.  I just came across it.

Department of Music, SOAS and the Jewish Music Heritage Trust
London International JEWISH MUSIC CONFERENCE 2000
School of Oriental and African StudiesUniversity of London
Sunday 25 - Thursday 29 June 2000
Conference Director: Alexander Knapp
Announcement and Call for Papers
Keynote speakers:
Professor Israel Adler, Chairman of the Academic Committee
Jewish Music Research Centre, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Alexander Ringer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Jewish diasporas are normally seen as emanating outward from ancient
and modern Israel.  But Jewish culture has taken root and developed
within other environments from which new diasporas have spread
elsewhere, including a return to Israel.

Papers addressing issues of change, under the following broad
categories, are invited for consideration:

1. Classical music traditions:  is there a definable Jewish identity?
2. Folk music and dance traditions:  the absorption of local
 into Jewish music and the promotion of regional styles to a wider or
 international audience.
3. Liturgical music traditions:  contacts with other religions; the
 to which a separate Jewish identity has been maintained, and the
extent to which such contacts have led to musical inter-influence.
4. Issues of gender:  the place of men's and women's music in Jewish
life;  roles and modes of expression.
If you would like to present a 20-minute paper, please reply as soon
as possible and send an abstract of 200 words to arrive no later than
30 September 1999 (by email if possible). It is intended to publish a
book of selected papers from the conference.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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