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Re: Take 1-Seen 1

Dear Janice,

Others will surely know more about them than I, but they were 2 or 3
brothers who had a band, very popular and influential, in the 40's and 50's
in the borscht belt who are experiencing a renaissance.  One of the
brothers just passed away in July.  They must be in their 80's, I think.
You'll probably be hearing from some more knowledgeable about them soon,
but I appear to have awakened first,  ;-}

Check, Tara publications music site.  They may even have
audio clips.

Were you able to access the URL I sent you?


At 11:10 PM 09/01/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>    Dear Friends,   Now deeper into my research on this documentary I have
>discovered some  names that keep showing at every turn. Who are the Epstein
>brothers and how have  they chisled American Klezmer music? 
Lori Cahan-Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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