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Gehsunteit! signs off

Yesterday (Sunday) morning, at 10am, I completed my last show of Gehsunteit, 
McMaster University Radio's beloved Klezmer show. (Fittingly, I ended with 
the Klezmatics' Nign- bye bye bye bye, bye bye bye bye bye)   This Saturday I 
move from Hamilton to Ottawa, where I hope to pick up another Klez or Jewish 
show on a campus station, but who knows?
I'd like to thank all of you for your support, wealth of knowledge, and 
material. Special thanks go to Yosl Kurdland, Moshe Denburg, Andy Rubin, 
Wolfman Krakowski and Seth Kibel for providing music for my show, and of 
course, to Ari, the mensch who does a great job maintaining this site.
Hope to see some of  you on Wednesday at the Ashkenaz Festival!

Jason Markusoff

p.s. Could someone please tell how to unsubscribe?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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