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jewish recordings by other artists

Sholem Aleykhem, everyone,

I was at my friend's, Jack Saul, yesterday, who has tens of thousands of
ancient recordings, putting on tape some old 78s and 10" LPs (wondering if
anyone had listened to this music in 50 years) when we got on the subject
of odd recordings.  He showed me a copy of a 78 by Cab Calloway called "Utt
Uh Zay".  Actually, I can't remember the exact weird way it was spelled,
but in parentheses was written "(A Tailor's Song), which I immediately
recognized as "Ot Azoy" (Ot azoy neyt a shnayder...)  We didn't have time
to play this gem, but I look forward to recording it and others, like Guy
Lombardo's introduction of "Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn" on the radio, the first
time the listening public would have heard it, except if they had gone to
the Yiddish musical which produced it with Aaron Lebedev singing it.
There's a recording I'd like to hear.  

Lori Cahan-Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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