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Mezz Mezzrow

Hi, I don't have information about a recording of Mezz Mezzrow that reflects 
his background (re the query in today's Digest), but it reminded me of an 
incident you might enjoy. Years and years ago, in 1971, my first Real 
Hippie-Type Trip Overseas, (aside from the previous summer hitching through 
ex-Yugoslavia) I was in Paris, and a Canadian friend ended up in the 
American Hospital with appendicitis.I went to see him every day for a few 
days, and his room-mate was none other than Mezz Mezzrow! At the time I 
wasn't particularly interested in klezmer or Sephardi music, and didn't even 
know who he was, but he wasn't timid about rectifying the last-mentioned of 
my various levels of ignorance. Anyway, I had a couple of recorders with me, 
and he asked me to bring them; the nurses were dubious, but he had me play 
medieval and French Canadian tunes for him every day and criticized my level 
of soul.....
I'll be teaching at KlezKanada this week (so will my daughter Tamar, in the 
kids' programme), so probably won't have much, if any, access to e-mail till 
we get back. Cheers, Judith PS The editor of Jewish Folklore & Ethnology 
Review is preparing the last issue before he steps down from editorship and 
has just told me there's still a little time for me to update my ongoing 
"sonography of Judeo-Spanish song" so if anyone has titles they think ought 
to be included, let me know!

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