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Response Rally at the Lincoln Memorial - You CAN make a difference

~~~ ????? ~~~
Klezmer, Jewish & American Music
fax: 202/966-7284
~~~ ????? ~~~

LOX & VODKA is proud to be part of 
the Rally that stands up for:

Pluralism & Respect
Opposes Neo-Nazi hatred

Let's join together
Saturday, August 7, 1999
2:00 - 4:00 pm
at the Lincoln Memorial
Washington, DC

along with 
Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary
Singer Diana Urqulza
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton
Mayor Anthony Williams
Abe Pollin
and many, many more!

Each of us can make a difference!!!!!

Some of the over 50 co-sponsors include:  Coalition of Korean American 
Organizations, National Conference for Community and Justice, Interfaith 
Conference, Vietnamese American Society, American Jewish Committee, B'nai 
Brith Internatinal, National Congress of American Indians, Organization of 
Chinese Americans, Philippine American Heritage Foundation, American-Arab 
Anti-Discrimination Committee, National Sikh Center, Operation Understanding, 
League of United Latin American Citizens, Unitarian Universalist Association, 
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Progressive National Baptist 
Convention, Equal Partners in Faith, Emmaus Services for the Aging, All Soul 

For more information call American Jewish Committee:  202/785-4200

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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