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klezmer at Boston's Walk for Hunger

Jeff's post reminded to post that several members of the Klezmer
Conservatory Band (Jim Guttman, bass, Grant Smith, drums, their former
trumpeter Gary Bohan, etc.) and other members of the Boston klezmer
community (including me) will be playing for the Walk for Hunger this
Sunday, 5/2 on Greenough Blvd. near the Eliot Bridge (the next bridge over
from the Harvard Square bridge heading away from Boston) and BBN school
from noon to 1:30.

a bisl yidishkayt
Klezmer and related Yiddish CDs, tapes, videos, books
web site:
e-mail: klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com

phone and fax toll-free: 1-877-YIDDISH
(Boston area: 781-643-1957)

P.O. Box 400331
Cambridge, MA  02140

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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