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traditional nusach

It has been a pleasure to follow the discussion regarding various approaches to 
liturgical music 
engendered by Reyzl's reference to the article on Debbie Friedman (once we 
moved off any attempt 
at personalizing).  Thanks, Reyzl for starting it off!  

As a result of the various comments, I realized that this list would be a good 
source to ask for 
some advice.  I am foolish/naive/brave enough to be trying to design and teach 
a course for 13 and 
14 year olds at our secular shule in LA entitled "What is Jewish Music?"  I am 
familiar with the various sources of information, music and recordings 
regarding old and new 
klezmer and various folksong forms.  I've brought in a guest lecturer on torah 
cantilation and 
gotten helpful material from her.  I'm now trying to figure out how to 
introduce contemporary 
secular Los Angeles teens to traditional nusach.  I'm familiar with Idelsohn 
and am working my way 
through Shiloah's Jewish Musical Traditions.  Simply playing a particular 
nusach on the piano or 
trying to teach them to sing some melodies in isolation isn't really 
satisfactory. The recordings 
that I'm familiar with are cantorial.  I am trying to give them more of a 
"shtibele" feel.  Any 
ideas or suggestions?  Thanks.

Shira Lerner

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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