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Re: national klezmer concert calendar on the web?

>Is there a calendar of klezmer concerts anywhere on the web (perhaps on
>Ari's site) that covers the entire nation, or even the world for that
>I'd like to start selectively announcing where people can actually go to see
>some of the bands whose CDs I play on my radio show.

I manually put up events as I have time on my website,

and I strenuously encourage people to use the "musi-cal" calendar 
(there are gateways from my site to look at "Jewish and klezmer," but 
you can reach the calendar directly at
I believe. The nice thing about musi-cal is that every website anywhere
in the world can link to it, and people can maintain their own listings.
I've been working on something similar, with what I hope would be a 
better interface, as part of my overall site redesign, but I have been
too busy to breathe, much less work out a new database and interface.

I'll second your request, though. If someone is doing this well, I'd
be thrilled to link.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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