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More on "Uskudara"

Dear Francesco, Joel, Judith et al,

Regarding Alhambra's recording of "Fel Sharah canet betet masha", I learned
it from Emilie Levy, the mother of Gloria Levy who recorded it on Folkways,
as you said (Joel) in 1959.  Emilie is still active in the
Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue in New York and also sings with the New York
Choral Artists!

When I performed it in Jerusalem with an Israeli Arab who played the oud, I
learned the correct pronounciation of the Arabic phrases, including the
title.  This is a closer transliteration: "Fih sharah canet bentit masha".

Chag Sameach,

Isabelle Ganz

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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