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Andy Statman, NYC, Apr. 5

>From: LMechanick (at) aol(dot)com
>Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 00:26:34 EST
>"An Evening of Traditional Klezmer and Chassidic Music" 
> Monday April 5,  8:00 PM     
>MERKIN CONCERT HALL at Abraham Goodman House
>129 West 67th St. 
>"the foremost klezmer clarinetist of his generation" 
>--Jerusalem Post 
>"Statman's virtuosity has labeled him a genius by his peers" 
>--The Village Voice 
>"blazing with the sound-sheet intensity of the late-period Coltrane, the 
>music is likely to transport even the least faithful in the audience" 
>--New York Magazine 
>Benefit Concert for the Breslov Center
>reservations: (212) 501-3330
>tickets $15, 20, 25, 30
>sponsor seats: $72all sponsors are invited to a private reception following
>the concert.
>Master of Ceremonies:
>Rabbi Moshe Weinberger
>Rav of Woodmere
>separate and family seating available
>Sponsorships Available For Andy Statman-Breslov Center  Concert
>               April 5, 1999  Merkin Concert Hall NYC at the Abraham Goodman
>        Gold Sponsor-$1000.00- Includes a full page advertisement in 
>       our program & four invitations to the private reception following the
>         Silver Sponsor-$500.00- Includes a half page advertisement in
>         our program & four invitations to the private reception following
>          Bronze Sponsor-$250.00-Includes aquarter page advertisement in
>           our program & two invitations to the private reception following
>          Honorary Sponsor-$100- Includes a mention in the program & two
>          invitations to the private reception following the concert.          
>for more information please call 718-633-4058
>End of JEWISH-ANNOUNCE Digest 137
>-------------------- jewish-announce (at) shamash(dot)org -------------------+

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