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[Fwd: African-American musicians and Yiddish]

robert wiener wrote:
> I have heard from a reliable source that several African-American
> musicians (other than Cab Calloway) who grew up in neighborhoods where
> Yiddish was often spoken spoke some Yiddish themselves.  I supoose
> that this shouldn't be too surprising -- remember our thread on Jimmy
> Cagney speaking Yiddish in movies?  He mentioned Willie the Lion
> Smith, Dinah Washington, and Slim Gaillard.  Does anyone know of
> recordings of these (or other) African-American musicians that reflect
> this cross-cultural phenomenon?
> Bob

Received in today's mail -- thanks, Yankel  -- 
 "Dry Sick Cents" by Slim Gaillard (1945).  
A zoot-suit era hipster bit of nonsense that goofs on the Yiddish for 
<thirty cents>.  Rest of lyric in English.  

Wolf Krakowski


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