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FW: Can you help me search out a song????

This query was forwarded to me by a friend. Perhaps someone on the list can
help and write back to him directly?


-----Original Message-----
From: john spriggs [mailto:love4zion (at) hotmail(dot)com]
Sent: Friday, February 26, 1999 1:52 AM
To: Jerd (at) centuryinter(dot)net
Subject: Can you help me search out a song????

Hello:   I wonder if you might be able to steer me in the right
direction in a search.   In July of 95 on a local Jerusalem radio
station I heard a song with the following words and I'm trying to find
out who the artist was and what the song was.   The song was a haunting
ballad sung in English by a male with a rough, gravelly voice.  The song
had the following lyrics in English in the chorus:   "on that old
ancient road, on a Friday night, when the sun goes down I'll be praying
for you."  If you have any ideas as to where I could start a search for
such information please e-mail me back.   Thank You.

                              John Spriggs  (love4zion (at) hotmail(dot)com)

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