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92nd St. Y Music of the Jewish Spirit

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Music of the Jewish Spirit  at the 92nd St. Y (NY, NY)
Judith Clurman, Artistic Director
A new series, designed by artistic director Judith Clurman, in
celebration of the rich tapestry of classical Jewish music.

Tue, February 23 at 8 pm
Instrumental Jewels of the Jewish Diaspora
The St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble
Cantor Fredda Rakusin Mendelson, mezzo-soprano
Srul Irving Glick: Prayer and Dance; Tzvi Avni: Kaddish; Paul
Schoenfield: Six Improvisations on Hassidic Melodies; Ernest Bloch:
Baal shem: Three Pictures of Chassidic Life; Mario
Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Three Sephardic Songs; Paul Ben-Haim: Three Songs
Without Words; David Schiff: Divertimento from Gimpel the Fool
Tue, March 16 at 8 pm
Celebration of Freedom: Music of the Haggadah
The New York Concert Singers  °  Theresa Santiago, soprano ° Cantors
Stephen Merkel, Bruce L. Ruben and Benjie Ellen Schiller  °  St.
Luke's Chamber Ensemble
Judith Clurman, conductor
A Passover program exploring musical traditions from around the world
inspired by the story of the Exodus as told in the Haggadah, with
songs in Hebrew, Yiddish and English, from the Babylonian, Hasidic,
Syrian, Tunisian, Italian, Ashkenazic and Bucharest traditions, and
arrangements by Yehezkel Braun and Stephen Richards, and the premiere
of In Every Generation by Philip Lasser. Featured will be Miriam's
Siegesgesang, Op. 136, by Franz Schubert, a cantata depicting the
story of the Exodus.

Subscriptions: $40
Tickets: $25


P.S. Sorry for the Yesiva University misspelling.  It's still early

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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