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Jewish Web Week 1999

Radio JWW - 1999

Dear DJ, Musician, Human, Alien, etc..

If you haven't heard, Jewish Web Week 1999 is in full preparatory swing at . We are once again, this year, producing a virtual radio
station, Radio JWW. Last year this was one of the most popular places on our
site, which, as a whole, had approximately 100,000 visitors over the week.
We have 20 hours of audio to fill with all kinds of Jewish music from around
the world, interviews, concerts, and cool stuff. Our goal is to present as
full of a range of Jewish music throughout the world as possible. I admit
that this is a daunting task, much like answering the seemingly simple
question, "What is Jewish Music?" . This Question, and others, will be
discussed and debated in our live forum over the week and we hope to come to
an answer, or at least get a lot of opinions on this and other topics.
However, we will attempt to do our best considering the limited time we
have. This event is being highly publicized and anyone who takes part or
contributes will receive ample recognition.

Here's how it will work...Over the course of the week there will be a link
on our site to pre-recorded music. Visitors will click and it will bring up
a Real Audio stream that will be a cycle of pre-recorded music we have
prepared. We hope to also have a page that will link to songs of individual

Here's how to get involved:

If you are a DJ with an existing show there are several ways for you to
participate. If you would like to record from a half hour to an hour of
music/show and have it become part of our radio broadcast, you are welcome
to contact us and we will discuss this further. This can be either recorded
on a cassette or CD and mailed to me here in Jerusalem or recorded in Real
Audio and sent to us at submit (at) jww(dot)org(dot) We would like something 
either very
specific or very diverse. That is, either a half hour of , for example, pure
Klezmer or an hour of 15 songs, almost every one from a different genre.
Whatever your preference and specialties are.

If you are already broadcasting on the web, we can arrange for special
programming for the week of JWW and can schedule times and link to your site
for coordinated broadcasts.

   For More info contact andy (at) jww(dot)org

If you would like to broadcast your music on Radio JWW, you can send us a
CD and press pack with full contact info and descriptions and we will review
the material for inclusion in the show. Even better...if you already have
music in Real Audio can send it to us via email ( at
submit (at) jww(dot)org) and we can plug it right in to our show...We are 
having an
online store where CD's can be sold or we can link to a site where your
stuff is already for sale. We can link to your web site as well. We are
open, and encouraging, all genres and diversity while somehow having a
connection to Jewish Music. We are also encouraging lesser known artists to
participate in this great opportunity for international exposure.

We hope that this will be great event presenting the diversity of Jewish
Music globally and exposing the world to Jewish Music in a way they've never
seen before!

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Todah and L'Hitraot b'Cyberspace!
Andy Alpern
Jewish Web Week Music Producer
Andy (at) jww(dot)org

Andy Alpern
Global Music and World of Learning Producer
Jewish Web Week 1999
Feb 21-26
andy (at) jww(dot)org
17 Rav Berlin
Jerusalem, Israel  92501

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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