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Joel Rubin-Dave Tarras Music Book

We finally received Joel Rubin's new music book,

"Mazeltov" Jewish-American Weddinbg Music From The Repertoire of Dave Tarras"
for Clarinet.
The pieces in the book are from the Joel Rubin with the  Epstein Brother
Orchestra Cd , "Zeydes Un Eynklekh".

This  47 page book has detailed information on each of the tunes and contains
such topics as; Origins of Klezmer Music, American Klezmer Music, Dave Tarras
including photographs,  Modal Systems in Klezmer Music, and MORE.
There is also a detailed discography of Dave Tarras recordings used in the
production of the book. as well as of other historical Klezmer recordings-most
of which we also carry.
The  book sells for $24.98 + $3.00 shipping.
The Cd sells for $ 16.98 + $2.50 shipping

                                 Special Introductory Sale Price 
         Order the book AND the CD, at the Special Introductory sale price ,
                INCLUDING Shipping......$38.00. A real "metzie"

                The sale price will be in effect through the month of January!

We accept Visa & Mastercard

Hatikvah Music


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