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U. Minn. Klezmer/world music concert info

Hi -- 

My name is Phil Ford, and I run the music series at the Weisman Art Museum, the 
Weisman Ensembles Series. On January 15, we are presenting a program of "world 
music" featuring three sets -- the first Indonesian, the second Chinese, and the
third Klezmer. I thought this concert might interest devotees of Klezmer music 
in particular and world music in general, so here is some P.R. copy for the 

Phil Ford
Co-ordinator, Weisman Ensembles Series


Friday, January 15, 7:30 p.m. -- Fiddle Music from East to West

Fiddle Music from East to West showcases the world's many versions of fiddle 
music. In this unique musical event, longtime University of Minnesota Professor 
of Ethnomusicology Alan Kagan is joined by Twin Cities virtuosi of Indonesian, 
Chinese, and Jewish klezmer music. The first two sets of the program belong to 
the East: the first set features music for Indonesian fiddle (rebab) and gamelan
with Kagan, Joko Sutrisno, and the Schubert Club Gamelan; the second set 
features Chinese fiddle (er-hu) and pipa music with Kagan and Gao Hong. In the 
third set, the Dreigroschen Klezmorim (Threepenny Klezmers) represent the fiddle
in a context that bridges East with West: Eastern European klezmer music. 
Tickets are $7.00 general admission, $5.00 students and Weisman members. 

P.S. The Weisman Art Museum is located on the East Bank of the University
of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus. Its address is 333 East River Road, just off of
Washington Avenue (take the Washington Avenue Bridge if you are coming from the 
West Bank). As they say, you can't miss it: the Weisman Art Museum is perched on
a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River and looks like a big, shiny, crumpled 
stainless-steel . . . thing.

From: "Phil Ford" <fordx015 (at) tc(dot)umn(dot)edu>

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