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[Fwd: Re: Theft/inherent Jewish musical soul]

Seth Rogovoy wrote:
>  If "White Christmas" is to be  considered Jewish,  as has been stated
> by Steven Singer  and Ari in previous postings, then so is
> "Over The Rainbow".   And so are any of the 36 (double khay) songs
> written for Elvis by Ben Wienstein, including  the unforgettable "Do The
> Clam" -- issues of <kashrut> notwithstanding.
> Don';t stop there. What about all the Elvis songs written by Leiber and
> Stoller, and Aaron Schroeder?  And, of course, as Peter Guralnick
> established in Last Train to Memphis, his excellent bio of Presley, Elvis
> was a shabbes goy.

Yes, he was.  Of  possible interest to those interested in an
Elvis-Jewish connection:  The Presley family rented quarters for a time
in the house of a Memphis rabbi, where it has been noted by Elvis
biographer, Albert Goldman, the young Elvis was exposed to cantorial
recordings, especially to those of the great Moishe Oysher.  With this
information in hand, I can
clearly see Oysher's influence, especially on Elvis' "operatic" rave-up
endings, such as on "It's Now or Never". 

Some photographs of Elvis wearing some of his more spectacular costumes
reveal a large "khay" necklace.

I regret I cannot give the source at this time, but recent geneological
has revealed that Elvis had Jewish blood, on his mother's side.   Many
streams flowed together to create this extraordinary human being,
including Native American.  What a country!


PS  Check out his sexy, bluesy "Merry Christmas, Baby"

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