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Re: cheeses, rice etc

BTW: Very relate are the French words:
"il sait porter la Croix"
Loosely translated : he (ie Canada) knows how to carry the Cross...

Which have posed a lot of conflicts for us Jewish types.

I know a LOT of people are upser with this Xtian based thread.  I think it has 
been a consciousness raising experience to meidtate upon the inheherent 
conflicts riased at being Jewish in a non-Jewish society.

And I do not believe there is ONE definitive approach either.

Gutn chanuko,
Rich Wolpoe

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Subject: cheeses, rice etc 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org> at Tcpgate
Date:    12/18/98 4:01 PM

re changing words, as you describe, we used to sing an old shape-note 
song, beautiful melody, which included the words "and taste the pleasure 
Jesus sends". Changing it to "the pleasure peace can send", we felt, not
only kept the alliteration but improved the message beyond making it non-sectari
Not Jewish-related, First Nations people in Canada at some point - or at least s
e of them - substituted for the words in the national anthem,
"our home and native land": "our home ON native land". 

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