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Happy Birthday Ben Gailing, 100 years old today (biz 120)!

Today, the third day of Hanukkah, is Ben Gailing's 100th birthday.  Ben
Gailing is a Yiddish actor and writer, Cantor Emeritus of Temple Beth
Abraham in Canton, and the host of The Ben Gailing "Freylekher Kabtsen"
radio show, World's Longest Running Radio Show by Any One Person in the
History of Radio.

The Yiddish Voice pays tribute to Ben online at

The site now includes recordings in Real Audio of three full recent
broadcasts of the Ben Gailing show, as well as a warm and informative
tribute by Boston-based writer and Yiddishist David Maisel.

On tonight's radio broadcast we'll be celebrating both Ben and Hanukkah,
with Hanukkah music, readings of Ben's work by Miriam Libenson, music by
Ben, and greetings from various friends of his.

The Ben Gailing show, now largely run by Hankus Netsky, is still on the
air, in the 1/2 hour slot before the Yiddish Voice.

Ben Gailing Show: WUNR 1600 AM/Brookline, MA, Weds., 7:00 p.m.
The Yiddish Voice: WUNR 1600 AM/Brookline, MA, Weds., 7:30 p.m.

My thanks to Hankus Netsky and David Maisel for permission to reproduce
their materials.

hot a gutn khanike!

Mark David
Host/Producer, The Yiddish Voice

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