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Re: MLJ: Spielberg's Betrayal

Didn't Stephen Schwartz do the music and lyrics for THE PRINCE OF EGYPT?

Eliott Kahn

On Thu, 10 Dec 1998, Adrian A. Durlester wrote:

> Well, Messrs Spielberg, Geffen and Katzenberg have really blown it in my
> eyes.
> Part of the tie-on promotion for "The Prince of Egypt" were two extra CD's
> in addition to the soundtrack. One, songs by contemporary country artists,
> another, by contemporary Xtian artists-written as responses to or based on
> themes of the movie.
> Well, guess what: not one, single solitary contemporary Jewish
> songwriter/performer was asked to participate or contribute.
> That's outrageous! And deserves our complaints to Dreamworks SKG.
> However, a beautiful irony. A reviewer for the Nashville Tennessean (both
> CD's were produced and recorded in Nashville by Dreamworks recording
> subsidiary) basically panned both CDs, stating that even the stellar
> character of the performers could not overcome the banality of the songs
> themselves.
> Well, DUH! Perhaps a Jewish artist might have been able to write stirring
> and meaningful music from their heart in response to a seminal story in the
> Jewish faith!
> I'm not promoting any particular artist or style either-I'd be happy to see
> Debbie Friedman and Abie Rotenberg and Stephen Richards and Yehuda! and
> Regesh all included. Even Adam Sandler might have done a better job!
> Naturally, neither the Dreamworks SKG website nor the "Prince of Egypt"
> website offer any way to contact or send messages to Dreamworks to express
> feelings about this insult to the Jewish music community. But you can write
> to their address:
> Dreamworks SKG
> 100 Universal Plaza, Bungalow 477
> Universal City, CA 91608
> Adrian
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Adrian A. Durlester  -  durleste (at) home(dot)com
> Student, Vanderbilt University Divinity School
> Music Director, Congregation Micah, Nashville, TN
> Home phone (615) 646-9788
> Nextel cel-phone (615) 207-2661
> You can page me from
> List-Owner for hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org; Co-Owner for L-Torah (at) 
> shamash(dot)org
> Editor, Bim Bam (for Torah Aura Productions)
> Evening Program Chair, CAJE 23 - San Antonio TX, Aug 9-13, 1998
> Alternate Email: aad (at) iname(dot)com  adriand (at) aol(dot)com

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