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Chazzanut Concert: 13 December 1998

The Amsterdam Synagogue Choir Foundation & the Amsterdam Jewish Community
(NIHS) proudly present the following Chazzanut Concert in honor of the
Amsterdam Synagogue Choir's Bar-Mitswa - and the official closing of 50
Years Israel.

The concert will be held on Sunday, 13 December 1998 at 3:30pm in the Beurs
van Berlage (Yakult Zaal) in Amsterdam (the Netherlands).  The following
artists will perform:

The Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir (Elli Jaffe, Director)
Chief Cantors: Naftali Hershtik (Jerusalem) & Schmuel Barzilai (Vienna)

Amsterdams Synagogaal Koor (Barry Mehler, Director)
Chief Cantor: Hans Bloemendal (Amsterdam

Tickets are available via the Amsterdam Jewish Community (31)(20)646-0046.
Prices are dfl 40.00 (for NIHS members) & dfl 75.00 (for non-members)

Barry J. Mehler
Musical Director, Amsterdams Synagogaal Koor
Postbus 17154
1001 JD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
e-mail: sbjhl (at) euronet(dot)nl
ICQ: 15411063

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