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Greek/Klezmer on MetroKlezmer cd etc.


For one illustration of a tune common to Yiddish and Greek repertoire,
Metropolitan Klezmer's debut cd includes a rendition of "Mangiko" seguing into
"Yoshke fort avek", featuring Michael Hess (kanun) and Ismail Butera
(accordion) each taking a taxim on the earlier tune.  Both these multi-
instrumental bandmates have extensive background in Smyrnaika and Rembetika
[Greek musical styles], among many others.  The YIDDISH FOR TRAVELERS disc is
distributed by Stern's Music worldwide, and is also available on the web
through Tara, House of Musical Traditions, and A bisl yidishkayt's new site.  

We also include a version of this piece on our Greater Metropolitan Klezmer
Band cassette, with renowned Greek-American clarinetist Teddy Bournias taking
his turn on the taxim and also playing several klezmer tracks with a fair
amount of glissando (the tape is self-distributed; see the KlezShack site or
contact me off-line for info).  While the melodies in the two traditions are
near-identical, and our performances are instrumental only -- variations
include "Yurke fort avek" etc. found in Yiddish fake books from the early
decades of this century -- the lyrics in the two languages have quite
different meanings!

Eve Sicular (drummer/bandleader, Metropolitan Klezmer)

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