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Re: Sabbath in Paradise (fwd)

If Sydney is too far to go to see Sabbath in Paradise, you may want to try
Washington, DC.  I saw a preview of the film and it was excellent.  The
mixture of the  story with the interviews and concert footage really worked
for me.  

Also, the review's point about Marc Ribot were right on target.  His sound
still is the least Jewish of the Rads to my ear, but his discussion really
opened up the Jewish-NonJewish nature of Radical Jewish Music.   I was
particularly moved by the holy manner in which he held his various guitars and
his near Talmudic manner of discussing guitar playing over the generations.  

The film is part of the DCJCC's Washington Jewish Film Festival.  It will be
shown on Saturday, December 12 at 11:15 pm featuring an introduction by Larry
Appelbaum of
WPFW-FM Pacifica Radio and the Library of Congress.  Tickets are $7.50 and can
be purchased in advance (no service charges) through
Box Office Tickets 1-800-494-8497.

The festival has two or three other music related films.  For more information
about this film and the other films.    Its webpage can be found at:

Gideon Aronoff
Garonoff (at) aol(dot)com

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