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Re: thanks.....

i am not aware of a source but would imagine there is a dictionary.  i just
happenned to know some Yiddish.  you may want to call the National Yiddish
Book Center in Amherst Mass, 800 535 3595.  it's a center that was started a
few yrs ago by a guy out of college, forget his name, and serves to collect
and preserve Yiddish books, manuscripts, recordings, etc.  they should be
able to help you.
good luck, or as they say in Yiddish - mit gut mazel.

-----Original Message-----
From: cohenk2 (at) gatesmcdonald(dot)com <cohenk2 (at) gatesmcdonald(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 12:57 PM
Subject: thanks.....

>...michael and wolf, for the help with obscure words from "eyn mol."
>other than by being a native speaker, where do you find such things?  is
>there another dictionary, besides weinreich's magnum opus?

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