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Anatol Vieru, Romanian composer

This was posted to another list, but I hope anyone who knows the answer to
the query below will post their thoughts to this list, too.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From:   Geoffrey Chew, INTERNET:uhwm006 (at) sun(dot)rhbnc(dot)ac(dot)uk
TO:     Subscribers to list,
INTERNET:centr-and-east-euro-music (at) mailbase(dot)ac(dot)uk
DATE:   10-10-98 12:18

RE:     Requiescat Anatol Vieru (fwd)

Please send (or at least copy) answers to Mr Moor's question to him

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Moor <100722(dot)1351 (at) compuserve(dot)com>

|      October 10, 1998
|                       ROMANIAN COMPOSER VIERU DIES
|     Filed at 9:04 a.m. EDT
|      By The Associated Press
|     BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) -- Anatol Vieru, one of Romania's foremost
|     contemporary composers, has died in a hospital following surgery,
|     the Union of Composers and Musicologists announced today.  He was
|     72.
|     Vieru suffered a heart attack while recovering from an operation
|     and died Thursday, Bucharest's Elias Hospital said in a statement.
|     It provided no other details about the surgery.
|     "He was one of the greatest Romanian composers after the second
|     World War," said Adrian Iorgulescu, head of the composer's union.
|     Vieru wrote over a hundred symphonic, chamber, chorus, film and
|     theater musical works, Iorgulescu said.
|     He graduated from conservatories in Bucharest and Moscow and for 40
|     years was professor at Romania's George Enescu Music Academy.
|     He was to be buried Sunday at the Filantropia Jewish cemetery in
|     Bucharest.

   Although Tolya Vieru & I became friends when our paths crossed in
Budapest in 1958, and remained in contact (I visited him & his Russian
musicologist wife in Bucharest in January 1981) through about 1996, when I
last saw them when they revisited Berlin, it had never occurred to me
until I read this AP obituary that he even might be Jewish - which
suddenly casts a different light over his fate between 1939 & 1945.  Does
anyone reading this happen to know where & how he spent those dangerous

                                       Paul Moor  (Berlin)
                                       100722(dot)1351 (at) compuserve(dot)com

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