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Re: Mentesh Nachmias, Gypsy fiddler from Yaffo

Any idea how to get the CD?

Thanks, Joel

At 07:52 AM 9/23/98 +0200, you wrote:
>For those interested in Israeli ethnic music, there is a new CD released
in Israel of Mentesh Nachmias, 85-year-old Gypsy fiddler from Yaffo.
Mentesh plays and sings songs in Ladino, Macedonian, and Esperanto,
accompanied by his son Avi and other musicians from the Israeli rock scene.
>Until this record, Mentesh was a musician of strictly local Yaffo renown.
Following the release, Haaretz ran a feature about this remarkable
musician, who came to Palestine more than 60 years ago.
>The record is released in a joint venture by Adama and Hed Artzi.
>Yoel Epstein

Joel Bresler
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