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Just thought I'd pass on mention of a remarkable musician I saw today in
New York City's 34th St. & Herald Square subway stop.  As I was purchasing
my token, I could swear I heard a xylophone playing Brandwein's Oy Tat Si'z
Gut.  Was I dreaming that the legendary Michael Guzikow of stroyfidl (a
primitiv E. European xylophone-- for more on him check out the Compleat
Klezmer) fame had been reincarnated as a NYC subway busker?  

The gentleman's name is Roman Lankios, phone # 718-253-0682.  He's an
immigrant from the Ukraine.  Was playing a variety of klezmer, E. European,
and classical music.  His instrument didn't resemble the xylophone/vibes
I'm familiar with from this country-- had a vertical layout that looked
similar (though larger) to the picture of Guzikow's instrument that folks
might be familiar with-- see picture in the New Grove Encyclopedia of
Music, Guzikow's listing.  Was playing with sticks that looked like
cymbalom hammers (without the cotton).  

Hope someone in NYC will check this guy out-- he's truly great & has a
sound that was once not uncommon in klezmer but is rarely heard today.  

Pete Rushefsky
218 Lexington Ave.
Buffalo, NY  14222
716-857-4481 (w)
716-883-5938 (h)
rushefsky (at) healthcareplan(dot)org

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