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Re: klezmer needed in Charlotte

I don't know how far Charlotte is from Greensboro, but it's got to be
closer than DC/MD/WV, where my band is. Call my friend, clarinetist Paul
"Doc" Fribush, at 336-370-4447

He's at  pfribush (at) aol(dot)com , if you have trouble reaching him by phone. 
him Wendy Morrison recommended him.

You wrote:

>A couple in Tampa are looking for a Klezmer group to play in Charlotte, NC on
>Sunday Sept. 6  in the evening.
>They do not want to bring a group in from long distance, therefore I would
>like to hear from or about someone witin reasonable travel distance to
>Please email your recomendations directly to me:   klezmer313 (at) aol(dot)com
>mike eisenstadt

Wendy Morrison - Klezmos
"Of all the Klezmer bands in the U.S., we're one of them"
sushiqn (at) cais(dot)com, work:hmtrad (at) hmtrad(dot)com

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