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remedial yiddish: the past tense


thanks to all who wrote in reply to my question about "iz + geven".  in 
gratitude, here's a little squib about the past tense (based, with apologies 
for any errors, on sheva zucker's "yiddish: an introduction tothe language, 
literature and culture").

turns out that there are a couple of (related) ways of forming the past tense.  

        conjugated form of the verb hobm 'to have' + past participle
        conjugated form of the verb zayn 'to be' + past participle

past participles are often derived from the stem form of the verb.  they're 
derived by adding the prefix ge- and the suffix -t.  e.g.,

tantzn: to dance getantzt: past part.
hern: to hear gehert: past part.

here's a few examples of past tenses, plucked from the liner notes of my record 

formed with hobm:

s'ferdl HOB ikh nit GEKOYFT
'i never reallly bought the horse'
klezmatics, banumen, shprayz ikh mir HOT GESHONKEN yedn dor a kraytekhts vos shtelt for dem hign shor-a-bor
'...he has given every generation an herb which represents the earthly Wild ox'
klezmatics, banumen, mizmor shir lehanif frier HOT nit GESHPILT keyner
' no one has played before'
brave old world, berlin-overture

azoyfil lider HOB ikh GEHERT, nor ale HOBM mir DERESEN.
'i've heard so many songs, but i've tired of them all.'
brave old world, besarabye

HOT dus pastekhl... a kleyn sheyfele FARLOREN.
'the young shepherd lost a young sheep.'
brave old world, besarabye

formed with zayn:

nor mir ZAYNEN nit mit lang eykh do GEVEN
'but we were also here not long ago'
brave old world, berlin-overture

nor eyn lid IZ mir GEBLIBM
'one song alone has remained with me'
brave old world, besarabye

geveyn a mol a pastekhl
'once there was a shepherd'
brave old world, besarabye
(not sure what to say about lack of a conjugated verb here)

apologies for any errors--- kevin

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