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Peter Lippman--update

This just came in from Peter's brother.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From:   Roger Lippman, INTERNET:terrasol (at) igc(dot)apc(dot)org
DATE:   22-03-98 17:03

RE:     More on Peter

Hi Folks,

 I spoke with a State Department representative this morning.  
 I was told that the US consul in Yugoslavia went to Pristina and did get
 to see Peter.  He asked the consul to tell me that he is in good
 not being abused, and being treated humanely.  

 The Embassy feels that the arrests were an effort at harassment, just to
 intimidate people.  The embassy does not feel that they are in any danger.
 The San Francisco Examiner quotes a U.S. diplomat as comparing not 
 registering with local police to tearing the little tag off your mattress.

 The embassy is working, with the Americas desk of the Yugoslavian Foreign
 Ministry, to have the people released.  Richard Miles, the U.S. charge' 
 d'affaires in Belgrade, will go to Pristina tomorrow to pursue the release
 the six Americans.

 Thanks again to the many of you who have written or called.  I'm out of
 town through Friday but will keep you posted via e-mail as things develop.

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