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Fwd: EVENT: Knitting Factory 3d Annual Cyber-Seder

This seemed potentially interested to jewish-music subscribers
in New York. 

>Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 01:29:48 -0500 (EST)
>[I'm posting this on behalf of the organizers.  If you have questions,
>please do not hit "reply" but rather call the number below or email
><dan (at) knittingfactory(dot)com>.  Also, if you are interested to get 
>with the new media group of UJA or get on their mailing list, drop an email
>to Karen Plitt, plittk (at) ujafedny(dot)org(dot)
>This promises to be a dynamite event, and has grown so popular it had to be
>moved uptown to Lincoln Center... Hope to see you there!
>/Sherry Riesner]
>The Knitting Factory Invites You to Our Seder on the Third Night of Passover
>The Knitting Factory's
>a benefit for the UJA-Federation of New York
>a production of KnitMedia & Showtime New Media
>Sunday, April 12, 7:30pm
>Promenade, Avery Fisher Hall - Lincoln Center
>Broadway at 65th Street
>For the past two years, the Knitting Factory has produced a ground-breaking
>interactive seder on the 3rd night of Passover. As you know, the story of
>escaping from slavery and moving towards freedom transcends Jewish thought
>and has strong metaphors for the world.  We expand the traditional seder
>table to include participants from across the globe via the netcast, and
>encourage all
>to ask questions of the leader - to feel as if they themselves were part of
>the meal.
>The meal and haggadah are broken into their traditional parts and performed
>by musicians, poets and dancers.  Performers for this year's seder include:
>Reed, Laurie Anderson, Rabbi Goor, Judith Sloan, Tuli Kupferberg, Congressman
>Jerrold Nadler, Sandra Bernhard & Hal Willner, Neta Pulvermacher, John Zorn,
>Roy Nathanson, Anthony Coleman, David Krakauer and many more yet to be
>Elijah's table -       $5000
>Wise Child -           $300
>Simple Child -         $150
>Child too Young -      $85
>Bad Child -            $55
>For further
>info and tickets, call:
>(212) 219-3006 x411

Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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