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Re: Dregnet

>Klezcorner wrote:
>> To the best of my knowledge, the "Dregnet" in question was recorded by
>> "Happy Lewis".  For further info on this record, call "A-1 Record Finders "
>> at 213)RECORDS in Los Angeles.
>> Simon
>> Hatikvah Music
>Simon is right.  It was Happy Lewis, not Stan Freberg.
>I used to have the '78 but my sister broke it.
>I can still recall the dialogue:
>"My name is Vebber".  (Dum, da-dum dum.)
>"I know Vebber isn't a fancy  name like Gable or Tzitzinatra;
>but my name is Vebber for a very good reason."  (Dum, da-dum-dum, da!)
>"Mine fadder's name vas Vebber."

Thanks, Wolf, Simon. I've passed this on to the person who 
raised the question. Now, of course, I'm curious, too. I
want my own copy, or copy thereof.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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