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Jewish Music discussion in DC

I don't think this has been posted previously . . . .

>From the Handout:

>                       Is There a Jewish Music?
>Renowned Expert Takes You on a Tour of Jewish Music in the Western Tradition

>                       Join Bret Werb,
>       Musicologist, U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

>Listen & Discuss familiar and obscure Jewish music
>Explore the Genesis and Evolution of Yiddish Pop
>Probe Yiddish songs from the ghettos and camps
>Locate and Define the essence of Jewish music

>Tuesdays, March 17th - April 7th
>7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
>$65 members/$80 nonmembers
>DCJCC [Washington, DC Jewish Community Center]
>16th & Q Streets, NW
>To register, Please call:  (202) 518-9400, ext. 230

Please don't contact me for questions/comments, I'm just passing along the
information to the list.

Mike Leavitt <mrl (at) alum(dot)mit(dot)edu>
Reston, VA

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