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Re: genug shoyn

Dear Wendy,
        this not a MUSIC list It's a JEWISH MUSIC list.  As such, besides 
being into music, we can also indulge in the Jewish arts of whining, 
kvetching, being sarcastic (So you think YOU KNOW music???!!!)

        most important of all, is to be insolent to authority.  since the 
days of Moyshe/Moses Jews have complained about their leaders no matter how 
dedicated.  so Ari gets to inherit the same thankless attitude that our 
people have displayed since leaving Egypt.

After all why should we indulge Ari with a bit of praise and gratitude for 
working so hard?  Why shouldn't we kvetch that he's human and has made 
mistakes!  it's our right to be ungrateful!  Why should we permit him an 
honest mistake or 2!

I hope everyone knows that Purim is around the corner and the above was 
written in that spirit.

And on a serious note, I think it's quite ok to passionately disagree Ari, 
but it's not ok to attach him personally or to insult him.  this has 
nothing to do with his work on this listserve, this has to do with Derech 
Erets (common decency).

A frelichen Purim to all!

Rich Wolpoe

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Subject: genug shoyn 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate
Date:    3/2/98 9:06 PM

I wonder if we could possibly desist from flaming our unbelievably 
indulgent listowner, kvetching that we can't get off the list, and 
nitpicking about names and languages, and get back to discussing music.

A sheynem dank


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