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Ari's hide and seek

> >Dear friends of  Jewish music:
> Clearly you are not, but be that as it may.

A quick judgement there. Or does the fact that anyone criticizes Ari
Davidow makes him or her a foe of Jewish music? 
> >I would like to draw your attention to the issue of  Ari Davidow's 
> >position as an authority on Jewish music, and the responsibility that
> >follows herewith.
> I am not, have not claimed, and certainly others have not 
> claimed such a position for me. I =have= written about music
> and Jewish culture for 30 years, and am generally acknowledged
> to know that about which I write. That it is not what you seek
> is its own issue.

Of course your position makes you an authority. To try to pretend anything
else is self-deception -  a lot of people simply consider you to be the
real klezmer expert. You should recognize these facts and try to discuss
this, notwithstanding it may seem inconvenient. Ari, I cannot se the use of
being so prestige-ridden? 

> >This leads me further, to my third example.  Ari's review of Wolf
> >Krakowski's CD "Transmigrations" (Kame'a Media, KAM 7001) is scandalous
> Yes, whenever I see poison about me on the 'net, I can usually
> make a good guess that it is Wolf or friends. I do seem to have
> nailed him well, if only by the friends he keeps.

I cannot see the meaning of this outburst. Does the fact that I think that
"Transmigrations" is a decent work of art transforms me into a madman
trying to stab your back? Or Wolf Krakowski to some grandmaster of
parapsychological terrorism? You should be able to do better than this. Why
don't we discuss our different feelings about this disc? That could be
interesting to, yes, friends of Jewish music (I think that your bitterness
- incomprehensible to me - towards mr Krakowski is definitely not). I have
nothing against you as an individual (how could I? why should I?), it is
your rôle I question. Please, leave the vanity fair and reply to my

> >>I think Ari should take his responsibility and open his site to other
> >reviewers. His position is not a sane one.
> So, you confess that you haven't actually explored my site
> or read those reviews written by others. Figures.

All I've said is that you should have the good taste to keep silent when
you don't know what you are talking about, or leave those topics to someone
else. In the three (or four) cases mentioned by me you certainly didn't,
did you? 

- Ingemar

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