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Re; Survey of who is doing what in Jewish Music

OK, I'll add my voice to the din.

I serve my congregation here in Fargo as music director/keyboardist. I also do 
freelance work as a pianist, and doing transcriptions for songwriters using 
Finale. I am that square peg in a round hole-a classically trained musician-who 
has a great affinity for the cantorial and Jewish choral arts, but also 
embraces the "new American nusach" of contemporary Jewish songwriters. I am no 
scholar of klezmer, sephardi and other genres, but  am certainly an enthusiast. 
For all things musical and Jewish.

I am also a songleader and music educator, and have been active with the Hava 
Nashira songleading workshop at Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute for the past 6 

I have the pleasure to serve as evening program chair for this year's CAJE 
(Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education) conference at which it is 
my goal to present a wide spectrum of Jewish music.

In my other life, I manage the performing arts facilities at North Dakota State 
University, and have worked as Production Manager, Stage Manager, Lighting 
Designer, Set Designer, Audio Designer, etc.

In a past life I worked as a pianist for a Dixieland Band, and have also done a 
lot of work in opera and American musical theatre as both pianist and music 

I'm from NYC originally. Fargo, North Dakota is a lot different!

And I'm a heckuva nice guy.


Adrian A. Durlester  -  durleste (at) plains(dot)nodak(dot)edu
Production Manager, Festival Concert Hall, North Dakota State University
Director of Music, Temple Beth El, Fargo ND
List-Owner for hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org; Co-Owner for L-Torah (at) 
Editor, Bim Bam (for Torah Aura Productions)
Evening Program Chair, CAJE 23 - San Antonio TX, Aug 9-13, 1998
Alternate Email: aad (at) iname(dot)com  adriand (at) aol(dot)com

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